
Hi! I’m Wendy

I started this blog because I have a story to tell the world. My story. It is a story about hardship and joy. About getting to know myself and experiencing new things. It is also about creativity, autism and cooking. When I tell my story, whether it is in five minutes, or five hours, people always seem to be able to take away something. For some it is recognition, for others a new perspective and for few a deeper understanding.

When I browse YouTube or other parts of the internet, like blogs, I can get very inspired. I love the time and effort those people put into telling their stories and it ignites a need in myself to do the same thing. However, it is hard for me to start a project that feels as big as this. From not knowing what medium I am going to use; I would like to make videos, write blog posts, create recipes and host a podcast. To actually creating something I am proud to share with the world. Every possibility presents new choices and hurdles.

Here, I have the space to develop whatever skill I would like to learn next. At first, I might stumble and fall, delete and refine, until I have something I love and am proud of. But there is also space here for the mediocre, for the learning process. For others to see and learn from the imperfections. To get inspired and dive headfirst into something new.

Wendy strikes a pse in her scouting uniform

My Work

I love spending time creating. Whether it is painting, drawing, photography or working with yarn.

My Blog

Get to know me through my writing

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